Monday, July 05, 2004

What The M is Reading

Last night, I started Jonathan Lethem's Motherless Brooklyn. That means I've abandoned both Gould's Book of Fish and Simon Winchester's Krakatoa, which have been sitting on my bedside table for a while now, untouched.

Lethem's book is intriguing, as the narrator has Tourette's Syndrome, so is given to sudden verbal outbursts. The Tourette's is mostly not being played for laughs, but it does make for an interesting and different read. I've had this book for several years now, have heard good things about it, and have been meaning to get to it for a while now.

I also hear that it's to be a movie next year, starring and directed by Ed Norton.

Another comment about my reading of late: I've been reading almost nothing but mysteries for the last several years now. I'm not sure when this happened, but it's definitely a trend in my reading habits.

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