Sunday, July 04, 2004

Stranger and Stranger

The life keeps getting stranger and stranger. "The girl" has moved back here from another city, but she's dating another guy, and they're pretty serious. She and I have had our big talk, and the outcome was much like I'd expected, but not what I'd wanted. However, her moving back here has allowed us to reconnect with each other. We talk more, and actually get to see each other from time to time now, so things are good. Most people have too few friends. When you find a good one, you'd best hang on to 'em.

Another friend, an old and dear friend, recently lost her husband in a terrible tragic accident. After having been out of contact with her for ten years, we're suddenly talking again. Waking up and finding myself in that situation one morning was something I'd never expected.

Just goes to show you, you can't plan anything. Not really.

I'm trying to do what is right and good; beyond that, I don't know.

The weekly trivia team has exchanged Blog addresses. I haven't yet provided mine, because the Blog has languished so long that it needs some content before I let anyone else know its whereabouts.

In other news, attended a supposedly patriotic concert event tonight. Thought that the folks performing had mistaken the holiday. It's Independence Day, not the Fourth of July. Someone ought to shoot the producer of that show; sound was bad, too.

At the end, there were fireworks, though. So, all in all, I'm happy. There's not much that feeling the explosion from fireworks ruffling the cuffs of your pants won't make up for.

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