Wednesday, June 26, 2002


A few more housekeeping items. I've never really laid this out before, so I beg your indulgence.

I believe that words mean things. The meanings of words can be ascertained by reading them, both in isolation and within their context. I also believe that words are valuable and should not be trifled with. I have little patience for people who waste words.

I believe in God. Creator-God, Judeo-Christian, God-of-the-Bible God. I cannot contemplate a world or universe without Him. Without God, logic itself (being accidental in that case) can claim no special privilege.

Both these things are articles of faith. And one (the value of words) follows from the other (belief in God).

Words are the things by which we are capable of understanding God, contemplating Him, asking Him questions, or even doubting His existence. They have the added benefit of allowing us to communicate with each other, both about abstract ideas and about what happened yesterday.